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Donation will be in the card room: Will start collection at 12:15 pm




GAME STARTS at 12:45; ends around 3:45 or when we have one winner, whichever occurs first.  


1.    Cash Needed: 
       a.    $30 for Buy-in ($10,000 in chips) PLEASE BRING EXACT CHANGE 
       b.    Signup email for next Monday’s game will be sent out on Wednesday
2.    No Rebuys
3.    Payouts:
       a.    12 Spots will pay.

4.    Cancellations:
       a.    If someone signs up and wishes to cancel, they need to contact Paul by Noon on Sunday to allow for                an alternate player to be chosen. If someone signs up and does not show or cancels at the last                          minute, they will be banned from playing the following week.
       b.    Anyone not checked in by 12:40 will lose their spot to a standby player.
5.    Table Assignments:
       a.    Table assignments for initial play will be random. Players as they check in will be given a playing                      card indicating which table they will sit at. They can choose any open seat at that table. This is                          random and fair for every player.
6.    First hand:
       a.    Dealer deals around, from Seat 1 to last position: first highest card is the button; suit does not                          matter.  
7.    Bets and Raises: 
       a.    A bet is assumed to be a call if “Raise” is not announced. For example if the current bet is $500 and                  a  player puts in a $1000 chip, that is a call. The dealer will make change for the player
       b.    Player leaving early; chips stay in position Vacated and player is “blinded out” after he leaves. 
       c.    No splashing of the pot – this lets the dealer know who is in the pot and if change is needed, etc.
       d.    No String Bets. “A String Bet” is a bet or raise in which the player does not put all his or her desired                  amount of chips into the pot in one motion, and does so, instead, in multiple motions.
8.    Touching Chips & Making Change:
       a.    Only the DEALER can touch the chips in the pot and make change for any of the players. (ie Bet is                      $300, and playing puts in $500 chip to call – no other player should make change out of the pot for                  that player)
       b.    If a player touches the chips in play to make change, the dealer will issue ONE warning to that                          player. If the player continues to touch the pot and to make change for other players – they will be                    suspended from playing the following week. 
9.    Showing your hand & Mucking Cards:
       a.    When showing your hand, place the cards face up in front of you. The cards will play. 
       b.    Each player is responsible for protecting their hole cards at all times. 
       c.    If you are folding, pass your cards face down towards the dealer. 
       d.    If there is any confusion/question as to whether cards are in play or not, ask a club officer to step in.                A club officer or designee will be called over for discussion and decision. 

10.    Rabbit Hunting:
         a.    There will be no “rabbit hunting” (ie what card would be next if I stayed in the hand). Neither the                        players nor the dealers should show additional cards from the dealer deck as it only delays the                        play of the game.
11.    Out of the Game:
         a.    When a player loses all their chips, they need to leave the table. Except for the dealers, the only                        people sitting
at any of the poker tables are people with chips actively playing in hands. This helps                    the officers and dealers in  determining the proper time to consolidate tables.
12.    Condensing & Rebalancing Tables:
         a.    No table balancing will take place until at least 1 table has 3 open seats.
         b.    The next big blind will move to a new table when asked.

13.    Raffle & 50/50:
         a.    The raffle is a free & fun thing – occasionally there will be a donation (bottle of wine, etc) for the                        raffle – there may not be a raffle each week.
         b.    The 50/50 raffle is 1 ticket for $5.

If there are questions, or issues, please bring them up with Paul; other players and dealers cannot change things. Paul will always listen to things to improve our game!

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